Today 2nd 3rd and 4th posted letter to their pen pals and sang songs.
Author: joriordan1953
Our crib
We put up the crib in school. This is what it turned out like. We did it last week the 31 of November .
Christmas door decorations
Mr O Riordans room decorated our door with snow balls and Olaf .
Novel Study:Reciprocal Reading 5th & 6th
We are studying the novel The London Eye Mistery by Siobhan Dowd. We used the reciprocal reading strategy. Everybody in the groups have a role.The perdictor has to predict what they think is going to happen.The boss tells everybody what their jobs are.The questioner has to ask questions about the story.The summariser has to summarise what happened in that chapter.The clarifier is someone who looks up a word in the dictionary when others are stuck on a word/sentence.
Mindfulness Advent Calendar
Today we made mindfulness advent calendars. Each day there is a something we do
Ogham Stones
Today 2nd 3rd and 4th made ogham stones We wrote our names in ogham writing in clay
Christmas tree
Today 2nd 3rd and 4th put up a Christmas tree
Design and make -lighthouse circuit
Today we designed lighthouses as part of science.We had great fun doing it.
Pen pal letter
We got are pen pal letters today we were very happy . Are pen pals are from Kilcooley
Garda McClearn did a talk on social media
Garda McClearn came in to talk about the dangers of social media to
5th and 6th class.